Abortionists' strategy: Help kids see parents as 'idiots' (6/94) The following is from Christian Crusade Newspaper, P.O. Box 977, Tulsa, OK 74102, in its 42nd year of publication. We can be E-mailed on America On Line as Christcrew, on Compuserve at 72204,541, and via the Internet as Christcrew@aol.com . by Keith Wilkerson, editor "We had a plan to build our business. We started by going into schools and teaching sex education, starting with kindergarten," says Dr. Carol Everett, who once owned and operated several abortion clinics in Texas. Speaking before 700 pro-lifers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, she told of her plan to become a millionaire through her abortion business, according to the TROTN news service. The strategy was to make parents look like "fuddy-duddies" and get the kids to depend on her advice and information. According to Dr. Everett, she encouraged kids to explore their sexual yearnings and even gave out low-dose birth control pills that were sure to be ineffective, resulting in pregnancy and then abortion -- and income for Dr. Everett's abortuary. She told of the effects the Clinton Administration has had on the abortion battle. "There's no question it's going to prosper the abortion industry," she explained. She pointed to the grisly results of the legalizing of fetal harvesting. "An abortionist in Fort Worth offered a girl $1,000 if she would carry the baby to 24 weeks so he could harvest the baby's organs, and the abortion would be free." Lead by a hearse carrying the empty casket of a child, the group marched silently to the Louisiana governor's mansion. Participants were told how "at first there was shock and disappointment after President Clinton was elected, but we now understand that this battle can only be won at the grass roots level, in each community and neighborhood, through teaching, instructing and changing people's hearts." Jane Smith, a young lady who eleven years ago had an abortion, recounted for the crowd the guilt and shame that followed. She said it was only after a personal relationship with Jesus Christ transformed her life that she was able to quit wallowing in the horrific realization that she had murdered her own unborn child. WHAT IS CHRISTIAN CRUSADE NEWSPAPER? Christian Crusade Newspaper is in its 42nd year, has a worldwide circulation and is published by Christian Crusade, P.O. Box 977, Tulsa, OK 74102. It is mailed to subscribers without charge as a result of the conviction of its founder not to put a price-tag on the gospel. For a free subscription, just ask. Although Dr. Hargis no longer travels, editor-in-chief Keith Wilkerson accepts speaking invitations. Both can be E-mailed on America On Line as Christcrew, on GEnie as K.Wilkerson3, via the Internet as Christcrew@aol.com, and on Compuserve at 72204,541.